I myself believe in God, and my family is predominantly Christian. To be honest, I haven't gone to church until my teens. Also, my family and I hadn't been going to church that often until today.
Now I don't like religious debates, especially not on the Internet, because on the Internet, I witness intolerance from either side, whether it be the skeptical, atheist side, or the religious side, be it Islam, Christian, Jewish, etc.
I believe in tolerance. I also believe that stereotypes can be used to harm or insult.
Stereotypes can affect race, gender, orientation, or religion. Mrs. Lykins discussed in the last class how a student in another class, who was an atheist, said that Christians are stupid or incapable of thinking. This is a hurtful stereotype that also applies to anyone who believes in God. As I said, I believe in God's existence, and yet I've managed to pull off a 3.92 GPA thus far in my college career.
Stereotypes have also been used in history to imprison, vilify or exterminate people of other cultures or religions. Three prime examples are:
1. The vilification of Muslims after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.
2. The internment of Japanese Americans during World War II.
3. The most infamous act of genocide in recent world history: the Holocaust; about 6 million Jewish people were killed in Nazi concentration camps.
Stereotypes, to me, are an example of intolerance, and should stop being used as motivation for gruesome or deplorable acts. I even made a PowerPoint presentation about stereotypes and tolerance, which I may present on class on Monday. I can turn it in and send it through Oncourse, but I can't link to it here.
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